Fall Self Care

Fall Self Care

Fall’s here, and it’s more than just a change in the weather. It’s a gentle reminder to shift gears, refocus, and tend to ourselves. Here’s a balanced way to navigate your self-care this season: 1. Warm Sips:Herbal teas or a mug of warm golden milk can be a soothing ritual. They’re comforting and just right…

Self Care Checklists

Self Care Checklists

Life is unpredictable. Some days are a breeze, while others test our limits. Thinking a self care checklist can be a one-size-fits-all answer to all your self-care struggles? That’s wishful thinking. And: dismissing them outright isn’t the way either. Used correctly, a self-care checklist becomes less about ticking boxes and more about grounding ourselves amidst…

Seasonal Self Care

Seasonal Self Care

It’s easy to feel behind or like there’s never enough time to do it all. Embracing the seasons reminds us that there’s a time for everything – there is truly no need to fret about all of it when you can rest knowing that the seasons will come and go. Each season has its own…

How to Hold Space

How to Hold Space

While creating space is largely an inward journey, holding space is an outward expression. It’s a term often mentioned in therapeutic circles, but its value extends beyond. Holding space is committing to being present, emotionally and mentally, for someone else without the urge to fix, advise, or judge. Holding space is an offering of support,…